The Falmer Press Teachers’
Library: 7
Becoming a Teacher:
An Inquiring Dialogue for the
Beginning Teacher
Gary D.Borich
The Falmer Press
(A member of the Taylor & Francis Group) Washington, D.C. • London
Falmer Press, Taylor & Francis
Inc., 1900 Frost Road, Suite 101,
Bristol, PA 19007
UK The Falmer Press, 4
John Street, London WC1N
© G.D.Borich, 1995
rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
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First published in 1995
This edition
published in the Taylor & Francis
e-Library, 2003.
A catalogue record for this book is
available from the British
Library of
Cataloging-in-Publication Data are available on
ISBN 0-203-48575-0 Master e-book ISBN
ISBN 0-203-79399-4 (Adobe eReader Format) ISBN
0 7507 0264 8 cased
ISBN 0 7507 0265 6 paper
design by Caroline Archer
The sketches
drawn by Gabr iel Davila, student,
Travis High School, Austin, Texas.
Part I: What is an Effective School? 1
1 The Search for an Effective School 3
2 The
Role of Positive Expectations 10
3 Focus on Learning
4 Assessing Learner Progress
5 Teacher Participation and Team Decision-making 29
6 The Role
of Parent and Community
Support 36
Effective Schools: Annotated Readings
Part II: What is an Effective Teacher? 47
7 The Power of Purpose
8 The Balance Between Thinking
and Performing 58
9 Discovering Flow
10 Stages of Growth
11 Culturally
Diverse and Heterogeneous Classrooms 86
12 Becoming
a Leader
Effective Teachers: Annotated Readings
Part III: Effectiveness
Revisited 115
13 Looking
Related Readings
Index 137
Sketches of young journalist:
1 approaching a public school
2 at principal’s desk taking notes 11
3 looking out window of principal’s
4 waiting at train station
on the way home 23
5 approaching principal’s
office for another
visit 30
6 listening to the principal
7 studying roster of teachers
8 studying her notes
9 talking with Mr.Koker
10 remembering her visit with Mr.Koker 78
11 talking with Mr.Randall
12 talking with teachers
in the teachers’ lounge 100
13 thinking
about her final visit to the principal 118
The Search for an Effective School
In a city not so very far from yours and mine, there was a
journalist who wanted to write a story about teachers. She had heard and read
so much that was critical of schools
and teachers that
she wanted to write a different kind of story. She wanted to write about effective schools and about effective teachers.
Her search for a story took her many months and to many
different places. She visited schools, both small and large, in neighborhoods both rich and poor. She spoke with principals and assistant principals,
teachers and teacher aids,
and even with some
students, both young and old. She went into every corner of the schools she visited and into every grade and content area.
She was beginning to see the variety of life in
schools. She saw many ‘well organized’
schools that were letter perfect but whose teachers seemed ineffective and demoralized. From plaques
on the walls she learned that others
had come to these schools and given them
awards and certificates to
recognize their achievements. Why, she did not know.
As she visited
some of these ‘well organized’ schools, she talked with their principals. She asked
‘What kind of a principal would you say you are?’ Their answers varied little.
‘I’m a tough-minded principal—I keep on top of things’, one said. Others described themselves as: ‘organized’, ‘goals-based’, or
‘results-or iented’. She could tell from the pride in their voices
that these principals
were satisfied with themselves.
She also talked with many ‘nice’ principals—the kind that are instantly
liked by their teachers and staff. Many who knew these principals thought
they were effective, too. As she sat and listened
to these ‘nice’ principals, she heard a similar story.
‘I’m democratic’, one said. While others used the words ‘supportive’,
and ‘humanistic’ to describe themselves and their schools.
She could tell from the pride in their voices that these principals, too, were satisfied with themselves. But, she was troubled.
It was as though most principals
were either interested in results or in people. The principals
who were interested in results
often refer red to themselves as ‘organized’ and those interested in people as ‘democratic’.
As she thought about each of these types of
pr incipals—the ‘organized’ and the
‘democratic’—she wondered if they were only partially effective, like being half of something.
Effective pr incipals,
she thought, should be both people-oriented and results-oriented.
looked everywhere for an effective school—one
that would be both people-or iented and results-or iented. She began to worry that there may not
be any and that she might have to abandon
her story.
But, just as she was about to give up her search, she heard stor ies about a school that had an effective pr incipal.
She heard stor ies that teachers liked to work for this pr incipal and that together they produced great results. The
journalist wondered if the stories were true and decided to visit the principal to see for
She called the
pr incipal to ask if she could talk about the stor ies she had heard about this school. She explained that she was not a teacher, but wanted to know, if it were possible to be an effective teacher
and work in an effective school. The principal agreed to see her the very next day.
she ar r ived she told the pr incipal that she had heard
things about her school that led her to believe that it was an effective school and that there were stor ies circulating in the distr ict of how much her teachers enjoyed teaching there. She said this was puzzling because in coming there she noticed that the
neighborhood was not very good and that the school was, she paused,…not as she had expected.
The principal
nodded in a way that told her she had heard that
same sort of puzzlement before.
The journalist then asked how
her school got the reputation for effectiveness it has with
students from such a low income neighborhood, and with older, outdated
principal responded, ‘It’s because I’m here to get results.
By being well organized, we can achieve some things other schools can’t.’
‘Oh, so your school is results-oriented’, she asked.
‘No, not just results-or iented’, the principal responded. ‘How do you think
get results if I’m
not under standing and considerate of those who work for me.’
This puzzled the girl, since it seemed difficult
to be both ‘hard nosed’
enough to get results
and considerate and understanding
at the same time. So, she asked the principal
she balanced these two very different approaches.
‘I’ll tell you.’
pr incipal
leaned toward her
and asked: ‘when do you work at your best?’
She thought
for a moment
and then answered, ‘When I’m
excited about
what I’m doing.’
Exactly, said the pr incipal, and how
do you make a whole school excited about what they’re doing?
‘I’m not sure’, she answered.
let me tell you the things that make a school an exciting
place to be.
1 Picture a pr incipal who is ‘organized’, ‘goals-based’ and
‘results-oriented’. Describe
how you think his or her school might be run.
2 N ow, picture another
pr incipal who is ‘suppor tive’,
and ‘humanistic’. Describe how you think his or
her school might be run. What differences would you expect to find between this school and the one above?
3 Do you believe the
two types of schools you have just
descr ibed have to
be mutually exclusive? Provide some examples within a school
of how they could be combined in complementary ways.
4 Place an ‘X’ in the appropr iate quadrant
below that best describes the climate of your high school, as you remember it. Then, list some of the things that made your school’s climate what it was?
Field Activity
Think of an example
of each of the four climates listed below from
among the schools and/or classrooms you remember. Then, indicate
in the boxes the characteristics or
conditions that gave each school or
classroom the climate you observed.
Organized, goals-based, results oriented climate:
Supportive, understanding,
humanistic climate:
3 Laissez faire, self-determining,
open climate:
4 Cold, competitive, discipline-oriented climate:
Do you believe the climate of a school influences
the classrooms within
The Role of Positive Expectations
The principal began ‘…the longer you teach the more you realize that kids in school have far more in common than they have
differences. In
this school every teacher starts out at the beginning
of the year with a glass that’s half full, not half empty.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I mean that our teachers have the attitude
that every student can
learn—that each comes to school
with plenty of potential to learn whatever he or she wants to learn. It’s our job to help them reach that potential.’
‘But, surely your teachers can’t expect to do that for everyone, regardless
of ability?’
‘I’m afraid so. Now, I know what you’re thinking—that IQ and ability have a lot to do with how much we learn. And, that some
learners have more than others.’
‘Yes, that’s exactly what I’m thinking.’
‘And, in
a sense, you’re r ight. We
do see differences in intelligence in school in lots of ways—in the commitment
to learn, the subjects
students choose to study, and in their
individual interests. But, those things don’t have much to do with what goes on
in school.’
‘I’m not sure I follow.’
‘The way I see it, every kid has about the same
potential to learn—and a lot of it too. It’s just that the focus of that potential for one learner may be different than for another.’
‘For example?’
‘For example, ever y lear ner
can become
an exper t—really accomplished
something. Now,
for some that might mean choosing from among becoming an eng ineer, draftsman
or car penter. For
other s, it might
mean choosing
from among becoming
a physician,
business executive or salesperson. Now, there may be a difference in abilities there, but that difference so happens not to be relevant to what we do in school.’
‘It isn’t?’
‘These are choices made by the learner. What we do in this school is nurture the potential to
lear n—and that means help each
student become a success in whatever they chose.’
‘Do you mean that the students in this school can be successful
in any thing they wish?’
‘No. I’m saying they can be successful learners and that each can succeed as a lear ner. They
may not, by their own choice, be equally successful as a schoolteacher, mailman, chemist or truck driver—which
will involve their abilities and how they choose to use them. Only they can be responsible for success in what they
choose to become. What we are responsible for is teaching
them how to learn.’
‘Are you saying that you can teach anyone to learn?’
why do some students take different subjects than others? Isn’t
that taking into account differences in their abilities?’
‘If you’d like to see it that way, but that’s not
why some students are taking different subjects than others. In this school any student
can take any subject they wish,
if they are adequately
prepared. Our goal is not
to teach
ever y student
the same subjects, but to teach every student how to learn and to see that
every student
gets the same opportunity
to learn. It so happens that the most productive avenue for teaching
some students how to learn may involve subject
X while the most productive avenue for another student may involve subject Y.Both are learning to learn in their own chosen
ways and that is the single most important goal
in this school.’
‘Are you saying that you expect
every student
in this school to
learn how to learn?’
‘That’s it. It’s not
that our students will all lear n the same things or even that they will learn them to the same degree—that may depend on many things including
their interests and abilities. What each student
will acquire is an understanding of how to learn—its challenges and discipline as well as its joys and benefits.
That’s more important than what or how much is learned, since
it allows the learner to choose what and how much he or she wants
to learn.’
‘You mean it’s something that determines everything
bet. And, it’s what allows intelligent choices to be made. Without
it, even the very brightest couldn’t make the choice we so often associate with ability—which is perhaps why some young
people today seem unable to become interested in their own future. They simply may never have lear ned
to lear n, enabling them to choose what they want out of life.’
‘So, you have the same standard for everyone when it comes to learning.’
‘Yes, and our teachers communicate that to every student the very first day of school. Everyone in this school is committed
to filling
the glass full—to
teach each and every student
how to learn with whatever methods and resources it takes to get the job done. Our very first task
is to make our students more proficient
lear ners and it is that goal for which
we have the same high standards and expectations for everyone.’
‘But, how do you do that in a school like this with students who have so many different learning needs?’
‘Take a moment and look out the window and tell me what you see.’ (She moves toward the window and looks silently for
‘I see kids, lots of them,
all very different.’
‘Do you want to know what I see?’
‘I see the potential to
1 Using a personal exper ience, descr ibe a specific instance in your life when you discovered
how to learn something.
How was this different than ‘how much you learned?’
2 Do you believe that teaching
every student how to
lear n requires that some students
be taught different subjects than
others? What
might be some evidence in support of and against this belief?
3 Imag ine two schools: one
in which
ever yo ne has the opportunity to take any subject, and another in which the oppor tunity to
lear n
some subjects depends on
one’s intelligence and prior curriculum? Which school would you prefer to attend
and why?
4 Descr ibe the difference between a school and a climate for learning. What characteristics
of a school
do you believe create
a positive climate for learning?